Thursday, September 10, 2009

Update and Questionnnaire

We hope that this finds you well. The Network for Job Seekers has now impacted 59 job seekers in the northern Miami Valley. If you have been able to attend meetings, we hope that you have left feeling loved, supported, encouraged, and better prepared to deal with what faces you.

Today’s meeting featured a speaker from the library who was very helpful at explaining the huge number of job search resources they have available. We then broke down into small groups for lively discussion and practicing typical interview questions.

Also, Mike Toal told us about a company in Piqua that is preparing to hire electrical component assemblers and a production supervisor. If you or someone you know may be interested, please drop a note to me at

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that the Network for Job Seekers website is now up at
Please check it out for frequent updates.

Finally, we would appreciate your help in answering a few questions … please drop me a note at and let me know the following:

What have you liked the most about Network meetings?

What things that have been discussed at the meetings have you utilized already in your job search?

What would you find to be helpful to be covered in future meetings?

If you have attended some but not all Network meetings, what has kept you from attending? (We hope that it is because you have found employment!)

Thank you again. We hope to see you next Thursday!

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